FINRA Series Exam Training

Our Series programs prepare you for exams that are administered by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).

FINRA also administers exams on behalf of other American regulators including NYSE, MSRB, NFA and NASAA.

This section gives you information about the content of each FINRA exam. Our training programs prepare you to take these exams.

You can download a pricelist here.

Why wallace cititraining?

We are the only European based training company that focuses on preparing students to sit American financial industry exams, with American teachers. Our students’ performance consistently outstrips the FINRA average.

Of students who attend our Virtual Classes, in excess of 85% pass first time.

With our partners STC (, we have trained over 500,000 students throughout their careers from junior Registered Representative to CEO of the firm.


Our Teachers: Our Pride

Navigating the minefield that is the American market, its regulators & investors can be tricky. The 2 things you need to know first are that Series exams are

1 – written by American regulators
2 – focus on protecting the American investing public.

So, who better to teach you than our 40-strong team of American teachers who together, have more experience and knowledge of this than any other team.

They are full time Series teachers who are themselves the ‘investing public’. No one else is better able to guide you through the plethora of American jargon and demonstrate the subtleties of both the institutional and retail marketplace. What are the regulators looking for and how does the market work? Understanding this is key to passing Series exams.

Oh and two more things…

We are a company of human beings not virtual teachers.
We are a company of 
hand-holders not spoon-feeders

Our teachers are available to answer your questions 24/7 and will give you as much hand-holding as you need.

We won’t pester you but we are always there if you need us. Rather like a draw down facility from your bank – we are ready to go when you are.